About Me

I have been an e-cig user for many years now. Several people have asked me about my electronic cigarette and my experiences using them. After answering their questions and concerns, even helping them with their first e-cig purchase, I decided to create this website.

I compiled the information on this website in the hopes of helping others make the switch from traditional cigarettes to electronic cigarettes. Over the last few years I have had many experiences, both good and bad. I have tried many different models and brands of electronic cigarettes and many different e-liquid flavors. After much failure and success, I finally found an electronic cigarette that works for me. Now I know that there isn’t a “one size fits all” in the world of electronic cigarettes. That is why I am providing information not only on what I use daily, but additional models and brands.

I hope you find the website informative and helpful. Please do come back for updated information and money saving coupon codes. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via the contact page. I will do my best to respond in a timely manner.

Thank you for visiting ECigBeast.com!