Terms & Conditions

By accessing ECigBeast.com you confirm that you are authorized to view information regarding electronic cigarettes provided on this website and that you are at least 18 years of age.

By accessing ECigBeast.com you have agreed to accept the terms and conditions with all laws and regulations applicable to it along with the responsibility of compliance of local laws applicable to the use of this website. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions please do not visit this website. The content provided on ECigBeast.com is protected by trademark and copyright laws where applicable.

All promotional materials and information provided on ECigBeast.com belong to the owner of this website if it is not provided by manufacturers of electronic cigarettes. No one is authorized to use the information, content, and images displayed on this website anywhere else without having consent of the website owner and the producers of the products.

No liability can be imposed on the owner of ECigBeast.com regarding the use of external links provided on this website. These links are provided for the convenience of users of this website but this website is not entitled to guarantee the correctness of the information provided by the links along with the security measures used by those websites. ECigBeast.com is not responsible for the information these website provide to users.

This website provides information about the products displayed on it. The responsibility of reading the benefits and health risks involved by using the displayed products lies entirely on the users of this website. These products are not to be used for curing or treating any condition related to the health of users. These products should not be used by the people having serious health problems including diabetes, asthma, pregnancy, emphysema or heart disease.

The responsibility of keeping electronic cigarettes out of reach of children and from pets lies entirely on users of this website. You should wash your hands carefully with soap and water in the event that you come in physical contact with nicotine. Directly inhaling or eating nicotine should be avoided, in any case, as it may cause various health problems. Nicotine is a habit forming drug so it should be used very carefully.

Your acceptance of these terms and conditions set by the owner of this website, is interpreted by using this website for the first time. The rights to modify the terms and conditions and the content of this website is reserved to the owner of this website as they can change them any time they wish. Any claim regarding the review of the website will be handled according to the legal provisions provided by state law.