Benefits of Electronic Cigarettes over Traditional Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes, commonly known as e-cigs, offer the best solution to chronic smokers who are conscious of the effects of traditional cigarettes on their health. This is mainly due to the fact that smoking e-cigs is not as dangerous as smoking the traditional cigarettes. In addition to that, you can smoke the cigarettes anywhere as they don’t produce any smoke that can inconvenience the people around you.

What’s more? One puff can provide the nicotine level that you so desire. Again, the e-cigarettes come with a rechargeable battery, allowing you to enjoy a puff whenever you feel like. The following is a detailed look into the benefits that clearly make an e-cig the ideal alternative to their traditional counterparts.

No Toxins

Electronic cigarettes don’t contain the deadly chemicals that often lead to the development of throat and lung cancer as well as other life-threatening diseases. Instead of tobacco and other toxic substances such as acetone, e-cigs contain liquids which are far less toxic. Though there are traces of nitrosamines in e-cigs, they don’t cause as much harm as the nitrosamine in traditional cigarettes.

In addition to that, e-cigs don’t contain tar which can clog your airways, lungs and blood capillaries, putting you in a great deal of danger if used for a prolonged period of time. Other toxins that are in the traditional cigarettes but absent in the e-cigarettes include arsenic, formaldehyde, carcinogenic and carbon monoxide

No Second Hand Smoke

E-cigarettes don’t emit any smoke. Instead, they emit vapor which disappears into thin air within no time. Furthermore, the vapor doesn’t leave any dangerous substances or odor. As such, people around you are not affected by the vapor unlike when smoking the traditional cigarettes which emit harmful smoke.

You can therefore enjoy your smoke in the house, in restaurants, in the car and at work without worrying about any second-hand smoke. This comes as an advantage to smokers as new smoking laws prohibit people from smoking in public places like restaurants due to second hand smoke.

Cost Effective

E-cigs are cheaper than their traditional counterparts. A pack of the traditional cigarettes costs approximately $6 while one e-cig tank, which is somewhat equivalent to a pack of traditional cigarettes, costs roughly $2. Furthermore, tax which is often imposed on tobacco doesn’t apply for electronic cigarettes because their formulation doesn’t incorporate tobacco. You do not have to purchase lighters and matches as the electronic cigarettes do not require flame.

Easy to Store

Another notable facet of e-cigs is that they don’t produce butts or ashes. Nasty ashtrays are a thing of the past. More importantly, you won’t suffer from burn holes on your carpet, furniture, cloths or car interior when using the e-cigs. They are much easier to store and the fact that they don’t produce ashes makes them easy to use anywhere.

Other Benefits

Studies have shown that smoking traditional cigarettes can increase the rate of your heart beat, leading to high blood pressure. However, smoking electronic cigarettes hasn’t been associated with any major increase in blood pressure. Apart from that, e-cigs eradicate a few drawbacks associated with traditional cigarettes including yellow teeth, burnt lips and bad breath. Moreover, e-cigs come with flavored cartridges, giving the user an opportunity to enjoy a flavored vapor.